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\title{TrackChanges Testing Document}
\author{Monty Python's Flying Circus}
\date{April, 2009}


\chapter{Court scene - multiple murderer}

\annote[novi]{\emph{Cut to a courtroom. Severe atmosphere.}}{In the
              Flying Circus there is never a ``severe'' atmosphere.}

\noindent\\ Judge:

Michael Norman Randall, you have been found guilty of the murder of
Arthur Reginald Webster, Charles Patrick Trumpington, Marcel Agnes
Bernstein, Lewis Anona Rudd, John Malcolm Kerr, Nigel Sinclair Robinson,
\change[ym]{Norman Arthur Potter}{Harry Potter}, \add[novi]{Thing 1 \&
Thing 2, }\add[ym]{Humpty Dumpty, }\add[three]{Superman, }\add[quatro]{
Cold Fusion, }\add[pyat]{The Lorax, }\add[one more]{Mr. T, }\add{The
Dread Pirate Roberts, }Felicity Jayne Stone, Jean-Paul Reynard, Rachel
Shirley Donaldson, Stephen Jay Greenblatt, Karl-Heinz Mullet, Belinda
Anne Ventham, Juan-Carlos Fernandez, Thor Olaf Stensgaard, Lord
Kimberley of Pretoria\note{Isn't Pretoria in South Africa?}, \remove{
Lady Kimberley of Pretoria, }The Right Honourable Nigel Warmsly
Kimberley, Robert Henry Noonan\add[novi]{, Your Mom} and Felix James
Bennett, on or about the morning of the 19th December 1972\refneeded[
novi]{}. Have you anything to say before I pass sentence?

\noindent\\ Randall:

\annote[ym]{Yes, sir. I'm very sorry.}{That was short.}

\noindent\\ Judge:

Very sorry?

\noindent\\ Randall:

Yes, sir. It was a very very bad thing to have done and I'm really very
ashamed of myself. I can only say it won't happen again. To have
murdered so many people in such a short space of time is really awful,
and I really am very, very, very sorry that I did it, and also that I've
taken up so much of the court's valuable time listening to the sordid
details of these senseless killings of mine. I would particularly like
to say, a very personal and sincere 'sorry' to you, m'lud, for my
appalling behaviour throughout this trial. I'd also like to say sorry to
the police, for putting them to so much trouble (shot of three heavily
bandaged exhausted-looking policemen behind him) for the literally hours
of work they've had to put in, collecting evidence and identifying
corpses and so forth. You know I think sometimes we ought to realize the
difficult and often dangerous work involved in tracking down violent
criminals like myself and I'd just like them to know that their fine
work is at least appreciated by me.

\noindent\\\emph{The policemen look embarrassed.}

\noindent\\ First Policeman:

No, no, we were only doing our job.

\noindent\\ \annote{Second Policeman:

No, no, no, no.

\noindent\\ Randall:

It's very good of you to say that, but I know what you've been through.

\noindent\\ First Policeman:

No, no, we've had worse.

\noindent\\ Third Policeman:

It was plain sailing apart from the arrest.}{That could have been left

\noindent\\ Randall:

I know and I'm grateful. I'd like to apologize too to the prosecuting
counsel for dragging him in here morning after morning in such lovely

\remove[ym]{\noindent\\ Counsel:

Well, I would have had to come in anyway.

\noindent\\ Randall:

Ah good, but what a presentation of a case!

\noindent\\ Counsel:

Oh thank you.

\noindent\\ Randall:

No, no, it's a privilege to watch you in action. I never had a chance.

\noindent\\ Counsel:

Oh yes you did.

\noindent\\ Randall:

Not after that summing up. Great.

\noindent\\ Counsel:

Oh thank you. (very chuffed)}

\noindent\\ Randall:

And now I must come to the jury. What can I say. I've dragged you in
here, day after day, keeping you away from your homes, your jobs, your
loved ones, just to hear the private details of my petty atrocities.

\noindent\\ Foreman:

No, no, it was very \change{interesting}{fascinating}.

\noindent\\ Randall:

But you could have had a much nicer case.

\noindent\\ Foreman:

No, no, murder's much more fun.

\noindent\\ First Juryman:

Yes and so many of them.

\noindent\\ Second Juryman:


\noindent\\ Third Juryman:

We've had a terrific time. (the jury applauds)

\noindent\\ Randall:

(blows his nose, does a Dickie Attenborough) I'm sorry, I'm very moved.
 And so, m'lud, it only remains for you to pass the most savage sentence
 on me that the law can provide.

\noindent\\ Judge:

Well er... not necessarily.

\noindent\\ Randall:

No, m'lud, the full penalty of the law is hardly sufficient. I insist I
must be made an example of.

\noindent\\ Judge:

Well yes and no. I mean society at large...

\noindent\\ Randall:

Oh no, m'lud. Not with mass murder.

\noindent\\ Judge:

But in this case, (to court) don't you think?

\noindent\\ Court:

Yes, yes!

\noindent\\ Randall:

Oh, come on, m'lud, you've got to give me life.

\noindent\\ Court:

No, no, no, no.

\noindent\\ Randall:

(to court at large) Well, ten years at least.

\noindent\\ Judge:

Ten years!

\noindent\\ Court:

Shame. Shame!

\noindent\\ Randall:

Well five then. Be fair.

\noindent\\ Judge:

No, no. I'm giving you three months.

\noindent\\ Randall:

Oh no, that's so embarrassing. I won't hear of it. Give me six...please.

\noindent\\ Judge:

Well, all right. Six months.

\noindent\\ Randall:

Thank you, m'lud.

\noindent\\ Judge:

But suspended.

\noindent\\  Randall:

Oh no.

\noindent\\ Court:

Hooray. (they applaud)

\noindent\\ Foreman:

Three cheers for the defendant. Hip. Hip.

\noindent\\ Court:


\noindent\\ Foreman:

Hip. Hip.

\noindent\\ Court:


\noindent\\ Foreman:

Hip. Hip.

\noindent\\ Court:


\noindent\\ All:

For he's a jolly good fellow, For he's a jolly good fellow, For he's a
jolly good fellow...

\noindent\\ Voice \emph{(off)}:

Which nobody can deny.
